The Sleeping Dragon.

Sir Winston Churchill, one of our countries greatest leaders, was a sufferer of depression, he called it his “black dog”, stating how it followed him through life no matter where it took him.
My anxiety, feels more like a sleeping dragon.
The dragon can sometimes sleep long enough for me to go out, enjoy myself and see friends and family, but every once in a while he begins to stir.
And that’s when the panic sets in.
Excessive sweating, hot flushes, racing pulse, heart palpitations, gasping for breath but never seeming to get enough oxygen into my lungs.
This, is a panic attack.
The roaring dulls my hearing, the fire burns my eyes, the heat flushes my cheeks and I can’t breathe through the smoke.
And what is the response we get when we describe our illness... our crippling, life ruining fear?
“try not to worry”
I am determined to live my life the way I want to. I will experience things, eat delicious food, go on beautiful trips and holidays and live my life to the fullest.
I am not my illness.