Something Else
How many times a day do we, as human beings, wish for something else? I know I do it at least once a day. Now I don’t mean to leave my life behind and disappear into someone else’s, I love my life. Aspects of it, such as my friends or family or boyfriend, I would not change for the world, but who hasn’t wished they could change an aspect of themselves? I bet not a single person reading this right now.
taller, skinnier, more tanned, prettier, more confident, fitter, stronger.
But what a beautiful thing it would be, for us to simply see ourselves through someone else’s eyes. I often stare at the people I love and think, how could anyone be as wonderful as you? A friend who is always there for you, to wipe your tears away or talk with until the middle of the night, who buys your wine the week before payday.. to you they’re the most amazing creatures on this planet.. but they still wish their thighs were smaller or that they had your cute button nose or your freckles.
A boyfriend who pretends to not notice that you’ve put on a few pounds, who encourages you to do what terrifies you to get what you want out of life. A partner against the world, who is there for you, whenever you need them.
Try to think of how others see you, imagine you were your own best friend/girlfriend/child, how would you feel about yourself? Are you a good and reliable friend? A helpful and kind daughter? A faithful and loving partner?
When someone tells you you’re beautiful, believe it.
How can you let someone else in, allow them to see the inner workings of you and your soul if you don’t love yourself first? We only accept the love that we think we deserve, if you convince yourself that you’re worthless, that negativity will attract negativity.
So give yourself a break, yes you are always going to want to change tiny aspects of your life, but love yourself and use that need to change as a way to motivate yourself spiritually, educationally, socially and everything in between.. Because at the end of the long and winding road that we call life, no one cares about that your thighs stuck together or your hair went frizzy in the damp..
Your legacy is how you treated others, how much you loved, how much you cared. That is what leaves a handprint on someone else’s heart.
Be kind to yourself.

Dedicated to my best friend.