Through the waves.

Imagine you were sailing a ship, a thousand miles off the shore. Aboard that ship, is everything and everyone that you have ever cared about and loved. The waves start to become more aggressive, lashing the boat from side to side. The wooden ship moans with the strain of all of its cargo, you're becoming aware that the likeliness of sinking is creeping closer, through the mist, hanging in the air like a secret.
What would you do?
You cling to what matters most to you. Deadwood is thrown over board, old cinema tickets and diaries and all of the "things" that made up your life become irrelevant. The fair weather friends that were only there through the good times have abandoned ship, your favourite pair of shoes or your comfy armchair.
You feel alone, desperate.. Scared.
The boat is sinking. Terror fills your head and icy air fills your lungs and you're left, standing holding on to everything and everyone you truly love. Your best friend, your partner, your family. Memories of your first holiday or of your child's first steps. Suddenly you realise you're not alone, your family, friends and your partner.. They're all clinging onto you just as tight as you hold onto them.
This analogy came to me when I realised that sometimes the only thing stopping us from moving on, is clinging to irrelevant things from the past.
Your life can sometimes feel like a sinking ship. You lose friends, you lose hope.. But in the end, you find out what truly matters. Love.
Hold on tight to those who guide and love you.