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How to love a depressive.

Don’t offer us solutions. When you love someone who suffers from mental health problems, you only want to make them better. And that’s okay. But you need to understand that sometimes, we need to just be sad and then pick ourselves back up. We have to rescue ourselves. Don’t think it’s ever about you. If you love someone who is depressed, of course it’s easy to think that you’re the reason they’re depressed. But you’re not. We know loving us is hard, but we love you too. Sometimes having people who love us is our only reason for getting out of bed in the morning. Just be there. The most important thing you can do for someone who’s suffering, is be there. Sometimes we won’t want to talk, so just being there is the most caring thing that you can do. Be patient. So your SO is struggling, your child can’t get out of bed, your best friend doesn’t wanna come out with you. Be patient, and be kind. Some of the best friends I have are the ones who just sit and listen to me when I’m sad for no reason. You know who you are. And lastly. The most important thing of all.. Please know that we know it’s difficult. We know you have to change your plans for us, stay in when you wanna go out, watch us cry so much you feel helpless because there’s nothing you can do. Seeing someone you love in pain, that’s agony. But being there is beautiful, it’s selfless and we know that. If you love someone with depression sometimes it feels like an endless struggle. You want to give up, people have given up on me when I’ve been low and I would never blame them for that. But just know we love you. For everything that you do. For every tear you wipe away. For every phone call in the middle of the night. For every single time you put us before yourselves. For every time you’ve talked us out of a rut that we’ve found ourselves in. You’re amazing. And we will never forget that.  


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