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So you don’t know you’re wonderful..

So. I might not know you, you might not even know me. But there are a few things I’d like to say to you. There’s so much pressure on women now, to be perfect. You see crowds of young girls loitering around make up counters, spending all of their money on anything that they believe will make them “beautiful”. But you ARE beautiful. As a kid I hated my freckles, but now.. I love them. They’re like sun kisses, they remind me of holidays and beaches. Oh and to you, the New Mam’s.. Your body, has created a life. YOU grew a human, inside of you. Nurtured them, gave them everything they have, and you’re beautiful. You might have put on weight. Maybe you’ve got stretch marks. But those are your battle scars, your body has been through so much, be proud of it. Be proud of the woman that you are. To all of you young ones. I’ve always felt young at heart. Always. And that’s okay. If you’re in school, and you’re terrified for your exams or you’re getting bullied, do not give up. I suffered from bullying most of my life. For my height, for wearing glasses, for being overly dramatic or being overly sensitive. Your experiences mould you into who you are, so keep pushing through it and you’ll get there. You will be okay. Because you’re the only one of you there is in this world, and you’re loved. And the truth is, if you don’t feel like you know what you’re doing, none of us really do. I was sitting one day, in my bedroom at my mam’s house. Thinking to myself, I’m 27. I still live with my parents, I’m single, and I’ve just started a new job I don’t understand. “What am I doing?” This Was fluttering round my head like a trapped butterfly. But then I started thinking.. why am I feeling this way? And then I realised. Maybe I’m still on chapter 2 of my life. And I’m comparing my life to those people who are on chapter 40? As humans we compare our lives to those around us, it’s natural. And it’s never been easier to see how perfect other people’s lives are due to social media. But just think about this the next time you’re feeling unfulfilled or sad. Life puts you exactly where you are, exactly when you’re meant to be there. I spent most of my younger years wishing I could be someone else.. without realising the person who I am supposed to be was staring back at me in the mirror each and every single morning. Enjoy your life, you only get one. You’re beautiful, you are the person you were meant to be. And the only person you’re meant to find in this life, is yourself.


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